Welcome to the first year blog!

The Zoo

The annual First Year outing to Marwell Zoo took place on Monday, and it was a glorious day for it! Hippos, Tigers, Leopards, Snakes, Sloths and Penguins were all on the “must-see” list, and the boys engaged wonderfully in an inspiring talk about conservation in the zoo’s education centre. They were able to put into to practice what they’ve already learned in the classroom about animal adaptations and to interpret how the animals at Marwell have adapted to their natural habitats. I think the giant lego dinosaurs were just as impressive as the warm-blooded mammals for many of the boys, and I’m sure a few are planning spectacular creations over the holidays! I do hope 1B and 1H are looking forward to their French trip next week, it should prove to be another great outdoor learning experience!

Fun Run

It has been great to see the boys entering into the spirit of the Charity Fun Run on Thursday. There were some excellent class themes (ranging from Games characters to the contents of a fridge!) and costumes on display and a great effort on the run itself. It was lovely to see the Forms uniting and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves in the sun. The winning teams will be announced on Monday! Thank you so much to Miss Samuel for organising such a great event, and I know we raised hundreds of pounds for charity. Well done boys!

Device Usage

Just a quick update from the pastoral team about the boys’ use of phone messaging services. Some Forms have been spoken to this week about appropriate language to use when engaging on social media apps on their phone. We have given the message:

If you would be embarrassed if your grandmother was to read it don’t write it!


We do wish everybody well with their summer sports experiences. I know that boys are involved in everything from Football to Chess over the summer, and I do hope the experiences, at whatever level they may be, are fulfilling ones. Enjoy your summer of watching and playing sport boys!

Tutee of the Week

Arya E is this week’s thoroughly deserving winner of Tutee of the Week, we have been thoroughly impressed by his kindness and consideration all year. Well done Arya, and well done to everybody this year who has picked up this award.

Final Week

And so it is that we look towards next week – the boys’ final week in First Year! It is hard to believe that the end of the year is already here. It will be another busy one with Founders Day, Lower School evening and the Swimming Gala on the final day of term which will culminate in the awarding of the Founders Cup for the form that has scored the most points in inter-form competitions! We hope the boys enjoy this final week and behave in their usual positive way.

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