It has been a pleasure to welcome the First Year boys back to Hampton this term. They have already embraced the sunny weather – in stark contrast to the more inclement conditions at the end of last term – and are enjoying spending time out on the 3G in their break times and making the most of their outdoor games sessions.
We have a very busy term ahead, with various trips, concerts, plays, numerous sports fixtures and other co-curricular activities planned. There are plenty of academic trips ahead, including Science visits to Winchester Science Centre and Marwell Zoo and an RS trip to The London Jewish Museum and Neasden Mandir. Some exciting Arts events are also planned, such as a Shakespeare workshop run by the English Department and stage combat training. A number of First Years will also be taking part in the summer show, Rama and Sita, and will be producing material for an exhibition relating to the show later in the Summer Term.
A number of boys took part in trips over the Easter holiday and clearly had a very enjoyable time on their various adventures. Those who took part in the rugby tour to Holland had a successful trip as they won two of their three matches. They also seemed to have plenty of time for fun, as well. Ethan F noted that trips to the swimming pool and pancake making were particular highlights! Fifteen First Year boys also joined the Classics trip to Rome and Naples and report having a wonderful time seeing the classical sites, with Pompeii and Vesuvius being particular enjoyable.
It was great to hear that many of the boys are continuing to accrue plenty of merits as reward for all their hard work in the classroom. Particular congratulations go to Rex B, Theo E, Oscar T and Vishal S who were all recently awarded Headmaster’s merit certificates for their excellent scores. Well done to Zac N, too, who is this week’s tutee of the week!
Fixtures begin in earnest this week, with the tennis season kicking off on Friday with matches against St George’s College, Weybridge and the first cricket matches against Fulham Boys School on Saturday. We wish all the boys who are taking part in these the best of luck and fingers crossed for a sunny start to the season! Finally, well done to all the boys on a great first two terms at Hampton – it is hard to believe they are already in the final term of their First Year and we hope they will approach it with their customary diligence and positive attitude to ensure they end the year on a high.
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